
Posty Cards offers low priced greeting cards for you to send to your employees. Buy your business greeting cards in bulk to save even more money! Employee greeting cards can be personalized with your company name, logo, or signature.

Greeting cards are a great way to maintain a bond with your employees. When you buy from Posty Cards, you can be sure you are getting top quality, exquisitely designed cards that are sure to make a good impression. We offer a large variety of cards including employee birthday cards, employee anniversary cards, employee welcome cards, employee congratulations cards, employee holiday cards, and many more.

Recognize them on their special day. By sending your employees a birthday card from Posty Cards, you are showing them that you care.
Celebrate their anniversary with your company. By remembering to recognize the anniversary of the day they started working there, your employees will feel valued and respected.
Welcome new employees to your team with a welcome card. Start them off on the right foot by showing you care.
Congratulate employees for a job well done. Don't forget to recognize achievement, no matter how small, to increase employee morale and make everyone feel like an important part of the team.
Send holiday wishes to your employees this year. They will appreciate a beautiful holiday card from Posty Cards.